Choosing Your Colours

Colour Tip #1

Use your Childs birthstone for the bead that represents them.

This works especially well when you are getting multiple beads with similar locks of hair or milk and want a quick & easy way to identify which bead represents which child with just a glance.
Want to find out which birthstone you & your loved ones have?
Find them here.


DNA Birthstone Keepsake Beads | The Spilt Milk Co.


Colour Tip #2

Use flecks to show your babys birth order.

Lots of Mamas like to have a pure white bead to represent their breastfeeding journey. But when you’ve got (or planning on having) more than one breastfed babe, it can be difficult to know which bead represents which baby.
By adding flecks to your keepsake you can show their birth order in a simple but effective way with the traditional medal colours for 1st, 2nd & 3rd.

Gold flecks= First Baby
Silver flecks= Second Baby
Copper flecks= Third Baby

Got more than three babies? We can add opalescent flecks or start combining 2 different fleck colours to help!

Colour Tip #3

Leave it to the kids!

Get them to choose their favourite colour, or select a few yourself and get them to pick one from your own selection. Then you know no matter which one they choose you’re still going to love it!

Colour Tip #4

Find inspiration.

Have a scroll through our Instagram page and see what catches your eye! Once you get a bit of a feel for the style you like, you can always message us to ask which colours are in that particular keepsake picture you’ve seen.


Colour Tip #5

Tell a story with colour.

Little things that link you to your loved one are a really neat unique idea that add a whole extra element of connection in your keepsake. They tell more of a story and each colour & inclusion represent something special & significant. Custom mixing colours can represent a physical element, like the eye colour of babies & pets, or using colours to represent memories. Eg. if grandma used to grow incredible blue hydrangeas in her garden and you’re getting a bead made with her lock of hair, you could incorporate all those lovely memories together by using that same blue hydrangea colour to remind you of the holidays spent at her home when they were in bloom.

Colour Tip #6

Use a theme or event.

A baby born after a loss is often referred to as a ‘rainbow baby’. We make many rainbow inspired beads to represent how special it is to have a baby arrive safely earthside.
If your loved one has a condition which is associated with a ribbon or colour theme, those ideas can be incorporated too.

Colour Tip #7

Don’t overcomplicate it.

Sometimes simple is best. Instead of trying to fit in lots of different ideas, let the beauty of the inclusion shine.

When combining multiple locks of hair, a tuft of fur from the dog & milk inclusions, to represent your three babies, your fur baby, your feeding journeys, their eye colours, their birth orders, and their birthstones all in the one keepsake… it gets a bit much.

Try separating it out. Eg. One thing that works really well is having one bead to represent your breastfeeding journey & what that meant to you, then having seperate beads for each of your babies first little lock of hair where it can really describe them.

Colour Tip #8

Just pick something that YOU like.

Yellow your favourite colour? Then just go for that! Sometimes we don’t need to throw extra meaning into the mix and just want something nice for ourselves. And thats totally cool! If you’re going to be the one wearing this new keepsake, then make sure YOU like it too.

We hope these colour tips help narrow down the options a little more!

Still feeling confused? Feel free to message any time via the contact form on our website and we can help you choose something to represent your journey & the meaning behind your keepsakes.

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